Sanja · 12. July 2021
My COS 19 Adventure
2 years ago I had been working at the same place for 8 years and a kind of boredom caught up with me. I was wondering if I could make some changes to my daily routine. One of the options was to learn something new. Indeed, I had a surplus of free time then, but that changed very soon.
Sanja · 10. July 2021
How to design for touch
Defining the right content that will respond to users’ needs is one of the core tasks of any content strategy. But thinking a little ahead, another issue arises - how to place that content on our screen and define an efficient and accessible layout!
Sanja · 20. May 2021
Creating a domain model for a new digital product
The intent of this blog is to describe the steps of creating a domain model for a new digital product.
Sanja · 16. May 2021
Basic design principles to keep in mind when working on a new project
While exploring opinions on "design principles", I realized that there is no real consensus in the design community about what the main principles of design actually are. So, based on my experience and review of some articles and books on the subject, the following ten principles are most often mentioned.
Sanja · 09. April 2021
Mental model - a powerful tool in creating new digital products
When we design something, the process requires that we completely understand what a person wants to get done. Empathy with a person is something that differs from studying how a person uses something. Empathy helps us become aware of what the person wants to accomplish regardless of whether she is aware of the thing we are designing.
Sanja · 06. April 2021
One of the main tasks while working on my third project work was to define personas of my client’s target audience. I started to solve this task by reading related literature and very quickly realized that we can come across different types of personas and that there are different layers of defining each type of persona. So, let’s explain what I’ve learned.
Sanja · 22. January 2021
People wouldn’t get into an Uber, list their home on Airbnb, or hire a babysitter on UrbanSitter if they wouldn’t trust those companies to deliver high quality and secure service. It seems that one of the main components of developing a relationship with customers and building a community of loyal ones is building trust.
Sanja · 17. January 2021
A brand-driven content strategy can help you understand and apply the key features of your organization. The result of implementing such a strategy is content that reflects your character and emphasizes your uniqueness on the market while meeting your audience's needs.
Sanja · 11. January 2021
Selecting a typeface with that special something can be really tough. With all the factors that go into a typeface, from aesthetic and historical traits to the various effects of different kinds of serifs, how can you make a good choice? I'm sure there’s no single answer, but there are certainly some techniques that can help you if not to find the perfect typeface, at least to avoid the wrong one.
Sanja · 01. December 2020
Some thoughts about reflection in action in my daily life and writing...

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